Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Modifying Cross-Sections to add Floodplain Benching

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    I have a few RAS (4.1) models that I need to add floodplain benching to the geometry for a range of sections. Generally, I do not want to modify the channel (between the bank stations) unless the profile is contained within the channel. I have not used the channel modification tool yet, so I’m unsure if that is the route to go. If anyone has any guidance, examples, or documentation on how to proceed with adding floodplain benches, I would appreciate the information.

    Vince Moody

    The channel modification tool is probably the way to go unless you want to modify your underlying terrain. The channel modification tool isn’t limited to just the channel, despite the name; you can modify just the overbanks or both if that’s what you’re looking for. It is highly customizable and you should check it out.


    Thanks for the response. I found that the original channel modification tool provided the best way for me to do this (as opposed to the new tool in 4.1). However, after testing out modifications, I’m a bit perplexed, as I’m seeing an increase in the WSE at the modified section, and a decrease in WSEs upstream (as expected). I even tested out a 200′ wide channel (compared to the 10’W existing) to see if the WSEs still increased, which they did. I would expect the WSE to decrease at the modified section. The wetted perimeters have generally been very similar and I’m not seeing any errors or something in the results tables to indicate why the WSE would increase at the modified section. Any ideas? Thanks

    Vince Moody

    If you post your model somewhere I’d be happy to have a look at it, but it won’t be until next week when I’m back in the office

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