Hi all,
I’m hoping someone could help me with this. I’m trying to build a model for a small urban catchment of approx 50 ha. This catchment discharges into a creek tributary (stormwater tailout channel) which eventually joins the main creekline. Now as for boundary conditions what options do I have? the flows at the d/s end of the catchment are known although that does not help. There is no u/s boundary condition that I could use. This is an urban catchment which does not receive flows from any u/s source. I would just like to model the rainfall that lands on to this catchment so basically I want to map the overland flow paths. I hope the above makes some sense.
Is it possible to model the above scenario? Is it possible to model overland flowpaths at all (not mainstream flooding from a creek/river)?
Thanks a lot for your time,
Much appreciated.