Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Modelling of existing culverts

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  • #6069

    My current practice to model an existing culvert includes digging a channel cutting through the existing embankment, then putting an internal connection which includes a culvert and embankment as an weir.

    This practice is time consuming, and all of this complex task is just to avoid the software complains that the invert levels of the culvert is lower than the embankment cell, whilst in fact the existing culvert is lower than the cell representing the embankment

    What is your practice?

    Lonnie A

    I use the tool linked to below to edit the geotif cell elevations. I’m in no way associated with the company. This is the only tool I’ve found that lets you “somewhat” painlessly edit the surface elevations. It would be nice if RAS would let you edit the minimum elevation in cells that have culverts….



    Thanks for your response, Lonnie. I would have to jump through quite a lot of hoops to purchase that stuff, so it is likely I won’t do it at this moment.
    I found a free plugin tool, Drainage Channel Builder, running in QGIS that might have capability do do that work. Haven’t got a chance to try it yet, if any one here can try it and give us update to see how it works that would be great.

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