Greetings Chris,
I am modeling an inline detention area with cross sections. I am modeling the outflow control with an inline structure. I have two outflow structures. The primary, low flow, outflow structure is a circular 18″ diameter concrete pipe at the low elevation of the area. The secondary, high flow, outflow structure is a 48″X72″ drop inlet 2 feet from the top of the spillway/berm/weir. The high flow outflow structure connects through a riser to a shared conduit with the low flow outflow structure.
I have read your steps for modeling a single outlet, am I correct to assume that when I assign the rating curve to my inline structure gate, I will use a single gate with a single rating curve (reflecting the presence of both outflow structures)?
For step 5, “..assign that same gate opening for the entire simulation to the dummy gate..” Does this just mean enter the dummy gate height into the Gate Opening Height column?
Thank you for your time!