I have a steady flow model where the calculated wsel is outside the extents of the cross section (on the right). Outside of this data the ground drops off all the way down to a much larger river. I can get extra ground data but the ground doesn’t come back up to my streams flood levels till its almost 1500 ft away across the much larger stream. To initially model this the flow lost over the high point I created a lateral weir that represented the high ground, and I set the flow over the weir to “out of model.” That being said everything I believe is calculating correctly when viewing the output tables. It calculates a reasonable flow over the the lateral weirs and resulting downstream flow is reduced because of the “lost flow” over the streambank high ground. My only issue is though that this loss of flow isn’t reflected in the wsel output in the cross section. Being that it is an steady flow analysis, is it even possible to show the reduced wsel? Would it be proper to reduce the flow by the calculated amount at the first cross section where there is a flow over the high ground? Should I just extend the cross sections all the way out the 1500 some feet to where the ground encapsulated the flood elevations, and call it a day? Thanks for the help