Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Modeling junction of culverts

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  • #15021

    How would you go about modeling a junction that occurs where a culvert on the main channel and a culvert on a tributary both outlet? There’s a curved endwall where the culverts from both channels outlet and the channels come to a confluence. Due to the requirements of cross-section locations for culverts and junctions and the assumptions made in calculating the water surface at these kinds of features I can see there being challenges getting a stable model or accurate results.

    Scott Miller

    This looks like a configuration I will encounter also. For clarification, we are looking at modeling this in 1D. Correct?

    Luis Partida

    You can do 2 SA connections outfalling into a single storage area which will act as the DS boundary condition of both the main channel and the tributary. In the SA connections the culvert data can be entered. While this goes against the cross section rules for modeling bridges/culverts, it is your best option.

    Luis Partida

    Actually there is a more stable approach to this. I will try and explain but if you want a graphic let me know because i do not know how to upload pics on this new site version.

    Main reach will have 2 xs US crossing-1 and 2 xs DS and that reach will continue DS with no break or junction.

    Trib Reach will have 2 XS US crossing-2 and ends in a 1D SA.

    On the main reach connect the trib SA to the main reach via a lateral structure. This lateral structure will have the crossing -2 culvert data in it.

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