Trying to run a model with small cells I found that I get this error if I generate computation points with spacing of 0.401m or less:
Plan: ‘Existing pseudo steady’ (2370.p01)
Simulation started at: 10Nov2022 04:40:51 PM
Writing Geometry…
Computing 2D Flow Area ‘Perimeter 1’ tables: Property tables do not exist.
ERROR: Property Tables error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index (Perimeter 1)
Geometry Writer Failed
Error Processing Geometry
The error message isn’t at all helpful, so maybe posting here will help someone else.
If I generate computation points with 0.402m spacing and then manually add extra points I don’t get an error. This seems bizarre.
Does anyone have any idea if this behaviour is expected? I guess I should report it to HEC.