You can turn on detailed output for lateral structures in the plan|options|Set Log File Output Level menu. Just specify the lateral structure and use level 2 output or greater.
Once it is done running, a log file is created in the project folder which shows the iterations and what it is trying to solve. It makes an assumption based on your initial assumption in the Steady Flow Data|Options|Initial Split Flow Optimization window.
It tries your first assumption and then calculates something, it then takes what was calculated and keeps going until it either converges or stops due to max iterations. You can specify a few things in the tolerance window on how many iterations and a Flow Tolerance Factor.
I usually look to see if it is converging or with the default 20 iterations. I then begin to tweak the weir coefficient up or down to see how sensitive it is. You can then play with it until it converges or sometimes you may have to break it up into multiple lateral structures to get it to work correctly.
One thing to note is that the discharge in the split reach is important as it can cause the model to converge or diverge really easy. What I mean by this is if you have the flow spilling into another reach that is supposed to be dry, HEC-RAS doesn’t allow dry reaches so you have to put a dummy flow in there (10cfs or something). The dummy flow can impact the lateral structure so you may have to tweak that as well.