Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Lateral Inflows in 2D

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  • #7367


    Is there a way I can add lateral inflows to a 2D model? (Similarly to assigning a lateral inflow hydrograph BC to a specific XS in a 1D model.)

    I already have an upstream flow hydrograph BC, but I want to add to these flows at a downstream gauge location to account for lateral inflows.

    But, when I add a flow hydrograph BC internally, the flow goes forwards and backwards from this BC line, causing the channel to flood excessively upstream of it.

    Thank you,



    why not add a wall behind it (using SA/2D connection) so that water does not push backwards. After adding the SA/2D connection change the weir elevations to be above the water levels and that way the flow will then proceed in downstream direction


    This would affect flows coming from upstream of where I want to add my lateral inflows. I want to add to the flow of the channel without interfering with it.


    ok, why don’t you use a culvert to transfer the flow.

    I would place my inflow in a non flooded area and then collect the water with a large sized culvert. To ensure no loss/spillage of flow you could put an SA/2D connection to trap the flow at that location so it all gets into the culvert. The culvert should hopefully have positive momentum into the channel. Depending on the channel grade I think regardless of what you do you will always get some backwater effect until flows upstream start to combine.


    Okay, I’ll try that. Thanks for your help!

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