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  • #5401

    I have a problem that I am not able to correct. I have an existing model that runs fine, but when I had to introduce a junction for the second phase of the project, it no longer runs correctly in the post-dev condition. I removed 2 sections and added a junction. Using the energy and forced equal water surfaces equations, I calculated the new runs and it does not produce the expected water surface elevations for the proposed condition, but the existing is good. There 2 sections that are showing an increase for the 2 and 10 year events outside of my project area (further upstream). I have verified that all parameters match between the existing and proposed conditions, therefore, I would expect similar results but no. The proposed condition increases in elevation; whereas, it does not increase in the same location before the junction is inserted.

    Additional information – the first section upstream of the junction has non-critcal flow for the existing cond.; whereas, the post-dev cond. has critical flow. Before the junction was added and the 2 sections removed, the post dev had non-critical flow as well.

    Any ideas to fix this?



    Can you give a screen shot or something of your geometry? It sounds as though you’re using a junction to connect two reaches of the same stream. This is not recommended as RAS computes losses across junctions differently than it does from one cross section to the next within a single reach.

    Junctions should only be employed when modeling a tributary or a significant split in channel geometry (as in a looped or dendritic system).

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