Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Inundation area – drainage and infiltration

  • This topic has 2 replies, 88 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Thor.
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  • #7587

    I’m working on a canal embankment breach study (see http://hec-ras-help.1091112.n5.nabble.com/Modeling-a-canal-embankment-breach-tp8490.html for additional information).

    I’m wondering about the possibilities to model the outflow/discharge of water of a 2D area via a drainage system in the urban areas or infiltration in natural areas . It doesn’t need to be really accurate, I’m thinking about building in an average outflow per square metre/kilometre which is defined in a separate layer like the land use layer.

    The information in the manual didn’t really help me, or I didn’t find the right part. Pointing in the right direction or some experiences by your side would be really appreciated.


    The current version of HEC-RAS 5.0.7 cannot handle infiltration. Drainage systems can sort of be modeled, but not in a straight forward method and includes a lot of assumptions.


    Hello cameron,

    thank you for the hint! Do you know of any tutorial/documentation/blog post where modeling of a drainage system is covered or which would be the right keywords to search for it in the Hec-RAS world?


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