Hi Everyone!
I’d like to ask about this problem that I encountered. I’m trying to define the geometry of the model. I have cross section data of the channels from topo/hydrographic survey. They are in the format of “River Name, Sta. #, Northings, Easting, and Elevation. I thought it would be easier to make CSV files for individual river channel and directly export it to HECRAS since it has such option.
In my case, the cross sections appear the way I expect them to be since they have georeference data. This was verified when I imported the river network centerlines that I digitized in ArcGIS using HEC-GeoRAS. When I tried to proceed editing the geometry (i.e. adding XS by interpolation), I wasn’t able to do so because it appears that the table for downstream reach lengths doesn’t have values for LOB, Main Channel, ROB.
Doesn’t RAS compute these values? If not, how can I determine those values?
Also, is there a way I can possibly fix this problem without resorting to the process of creating XS in GIS (seeing that I have quite a lot of cross sections and a dendritic riverine)?
I hope someone can shed me some light. I’m stuck with this issue.
Thank you very much!
PS: Here are some images