Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Import RAS Failed ( ArcGIS 10.1)

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  • #6074

    In order to simulate a flood in a river, I use HecRAS 5.0.
    It works fine ( cross section, flow data, geometry, plan,…). I export the result of simulation and its OK.
    When I want to import ras data ( xml file), I get this Error ( Problem with conversion character??)

    Please, visualize the error as it shown in the URL below.


    Please help.
    Thanks before.

    Vince Moody

    Might be an issue with Language/regional settings on your computer. Sometimes RAS has a hard time handling special characters. Try changing your regional settings in Windows to English (US), and re-attributing your project using only standard characters. Also very important is to use a “.” as the decimal point instead of a “,”


    Thanks for your collaboration.

    I haven’t yet test this solution, but what I done is that I opened the XML file and I deleted all numbres after “.” (I kept only the integer number) like this (Ex : 3586764.98760 —-> 3586764).

    I saved the file and It worked fine.

    I hope this tip can help other persons.

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