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  • #17985

    Hello, good morning;

    I have modelled a long hydraulic tunnel (circular section) adding Lids in each cross section of the tunnel.
    I have defined the bottom half of the section with Cross Section Coordinates (Station/Elevation) and the top half adding Lid with High and low coordinates (Station/High elev/Low elev).

    the model apparently works properly but I have some doubts:

    1- Which are the Manning´s Values at the lid (top half of the section) and how could I edit them?
    I have slight deviations results between the model and simple check calculation in uniform regime and it could be because of that.
    2 – When I check the result table of the model, I notice the top width is slightly bigger that the diameter (4.5m versus 3.7m approximately) What is the reason?

    Thank you very much for you Help.
    Kinds Regards


    Romain PAUL

    Do you find an answer for your Manning into the LID? I have the same doubt.


    Luis Partida

    Mannings values are still controlled by the cross-section data editor just as if a Lid is not in place. If you want to vary roughness within the tunnel use vertical variations in mannings values by clicking options

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