RAS uses the Bridge > HTab stuff to create the “curves” for each bridge. You view this under Hydraulic Property Tables > Type > Internal Boundaries. The vertical/Y side of the graph is the Headwater. The curves will go as high as the specified maximum Headwater. The horizontal/X side is the amount of flow. If you do not specify the maximum flow, then RAS will compute the maximum flow based on the maximum headwater. This can sometimes be a huge number. For instance, you may have a model that has an actual maximum flow of 100,000, but if you don’t specify a maximum RAS may compute a maximum flow in the millions. This doesn’t automatically make the curves wrong. However, a lot of the curves will cover flows that will never happen. This means there are fewer points in the curves down where the flow actually happens and you can get some loss of accuracy.
So it is generally good to put in a maximum, but it is bad if you put in a maximum lower than what actually happens in the stream. I think version 5.0 will output a red warning message if this happens but it is probably best to guess/put in a maximum a little on the high side.
When you put in a maximum, RAS does not extend the curves past the user entered flow maximum.