Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help How can I post in this Forum?

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  • #17119
    Eric R

    Hello everyone.
    I’ve been trying to make a post here on the forum for weeks about a problem I’ve been facing in HEC-RAS, but it’s not approved or the moderation simply ignored my request.
    I couldn’t identify any rule violations.
    Any idea how I should proceed?

    Jillian Cromer

    Hi, I see you are an active member of the forum, where exactly are you trying to post? I will try my best to help you.

    Eric R

    Thank you, Jillian.
    I’m trying to post the description of my problem in that same box available at the foot of the pages of this forum.
    I believe that some problem may be occurring because I have added two external links that show images of what I have been experiencing. I don’t know what other problem could be occurring.

    Eric R

    Problem solved. I was able to post by removing the http://www

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Eric R.
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