I have performed a hotstart on a model. As stated, I used a flow hydrograph with fixed value upstream, and decreased the downstream water surface till my wished level. It worked well, but I am a bit currious:
When looking at the “unsteady flow time series”-plot, the most upstream positioned cross section shows a graph with a constant flow, of approx 100 m3/s. However, all other cross sections show a pattern with flow fluctuations of +- 0.1 m3/s. Is that behaviour reasonable? Shouldn’t the flow be constant all over the reach?
Appart from that, the hotstart file does not reduce the fluctuations in flow and water surface level when I use it as input (restart file) for my real modelling. Then I recieve fluctuations for over 20 minutes in the simulations before a stable value is reached. (Which is the same as the input value).
What can the reason be? Can I reduce that time?
Thanks in advance!