Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Help With Hec Ras Linking 1D to 2D

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  • #15393
    Joseph Bartell


    I am attempting to do the following:

    Have an US 2 D flow area go through a 1D cross section through a culvert and discharge into a downstream 2D flow area. A Dam connection has set up inside the 1 D cross sections (culvert going under a roadway). Trying to follow instructions in link below:


    The errors I get are as follows:

    1.SA/2D connection: Oakton Dam: Computed Weir stationing on the headwater side is not increasing. Check the structure data (weir stationing an centerline) and 2d mesh in this area to fix.

    2. 2D flow area: ‘flow area’ (this is my upstream flow area) has external bounadary condtions ‘US XS:RS =93’ and ‘Conn:Oaktdon Dam use the same face” **Please note, the XS does NOT TOUCH the 2d Mesh. But I did follow instructions in above link on connecting the river reasch to the 2D mesh.

    3. 2D Flow Area: ‘Flow Area-DS’ (this is my downstream flow area) has external boundary conditions ‘DS XS: RS = 2’ and ‘Conn: oakton Dam’ that use the same face.

    Please help! Also I have not even set up the culvert yet in the model. I am going to use inline structure but wanted to whittle down errors first.

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