Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help HECRAS 5.0 Beta , Land Classification (Corrupted Shapefile)

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  • #5868

    Hello Forum,

    I developed my first 2D Model and wanted to associate a spatially varying land use to the simulation. The problem is that I create Polygons in ARCGIS, exported them with .shp extension, including a column with text as the landuse, but i always get the message:

    Error: Corrupted Shapefile

    What does that mean? Any hints for a solution??


    Mikell Warms

    Hey MrBarca,

    Can you load the exported shapefile correctly into ArcGIS? Is it in the right projection (i.e. the same one used in RASMapper)?. Sometimes shapefiles can be corrupted due to improper saving, an ArcMap crash, or illegal geometric features.

    There is some ESRI support for corrupted shapefiles here: http://support.esri.com/es/knowledgebase/techarticles/detail/27429

    I’ve also had some luck with this tool:

    Good luck!

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