Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HECRAS Controller HEC version of the book “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code”

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  • #8184

    Hi Chris G.

    I installed both 4.0 and 5.0 in my computer. When I try my VB program with 4.0, it runs OK; but when I set the REFERENCE source to be the ras.exe of 5.0 in the PROJECT menu of the vb6, “Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment” has come out when the vb code goes to:
    “With HecRas
    .output_VelDist ……
    End With
    End Sub”

    I guess maybe some code rule differences exist between 4.0 and 5.0, is it right? Further more, which version of HEC was the book “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code” written for? for 4.0 or 5.0?

    As I know, 5.0 has more function than 4.0, such as 2D computation, and so on. So,is there much difference for the code between 4.0 and 5.0? If the book was written for 4.0, is there any difficulty in understanding it if I am a 5.0 user?

    Thanks a lot.


    I have received the book and found it was written for HECRAS 5.0.

    Thank you!

    Chris G.

    Yes, it’s for 5.0. Keep in mind that in 5.0, you now have to use the “QuitRAS” procedure to close HEC-RAS from your Task Manager at the end of your procedures. Version 4.1 did not require QuitRAS.

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