Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help HEC-RAS 5.0 Errors

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  • #6467


    I am having some errors upon completing my run in HEC-RAS (Please see below) any help would be greatly appreciated as I am not sure how to interpret these errors.

    HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.11) thread 0:
    #000: ..\..\src\H5G.c line 463 in H5Gopen2(): unable to open group
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Can’t open object
    #001: ..\..\src\H5Gint.c line 320 in H5G__open_name(): group not found
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Object not found
    #002: ..\..\src\H5Gloc.c line 430 in H5G_loc_find(): can’t find object
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Object not found
    #003: ..\..\src\H5Gtraverse.c line 861 in H5G_traverse(): internal path traversal failed

    Writing Results to DSS
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Object not found
    #004: ..\..\src\H5Gtraverse.c line 641 in H5G_traverse_real(): traversal operator failed
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Callback failed
    #005: ..\..\src\H5Gloc.c line 385 in H5G_loc_find_cb(): object ‘Unsteady’ doesn’t exist
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Object not found

    Thanks in Advance!


    did you try and delete the hdf files for that plan/geometry and then rerunning it?

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