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  • #9371

    “Connections” in RAS are junctions that connect stream centerlines.
    Suggest that if you want to use a D/S stage BC, a one-reach model might do with the flap gate as an internal BC. Post your RAS file and I will give it a look.

    John Clark

    Thanks Michael.

    The problem is that I need to count with the inlet channel capacity as a reservoir. If I only put one lateral structure in the main channel I will not be able to do it right?

    What is your suggestion to model the following scheme (upstream of the inlet structure):
    river with tidal effect -> intake flap gate -> inlet channel (like a “reservoir”)?

    I can not simulate the river as a storage area right? because I think that it is not possible to define a time series level stage boundary condition in storage areas.


    There is an example unsteady flow data set that is included with RAS that might help. It’s called “Culvert Flap Gates”. This example might help you put together the connections for the situation that you want to model.


    John Clark

    I already saw it. Although it is not the same situation that I would like to simulate.

    Probably the best solution is: 2 cross sections with Stage hydro hydrograph BC (in order to represent the tide levels) -> inlet structure (representing a “wall” for the channel in upstream) -> lateral structure with flap gate connecting US and DS of the “wall” structure.

    It appears to work fine!

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