I have a major problem during a 2D Unsteady Flow simulation.
The data which I use are the followings:
-BC Lines
As you can see it is a simple modell, but I have always the same problem with the HDF file.
Anyone any suggestion?
HDF_ERROR trying to use HDF file
Subroutine READGridGeometry
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.11) thread 0:
HDF_ERROR trying to use HDF file
#000: ..\..\src\H5D.c line 334 in H5Dopen2(): not found
Unsteady flow encountered an error.
major: Dataset
minor: Object not found
#001: ..\..\src\H5Gloc.c line 430 in H5G_loc_find(): can’t find object
major: Symbol table
minor: Object not found
#002: ..\..\src\H5Gtraverse.c line 861 in H5G_traverse(): internal path traversal failed
major: Symbol table
minor: Object not found
#003: ..\..\src\H5Gtraverse.c line 641 in H5G_traverse_real(): traversal operator failed
Writing Results to DSS
1D Post Process Skipped (simulation is all 2D)