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  • #7007

    Hi everyone! I’m running a simple dam breach model where I have a storage area upstream, a 2d flow area downstream, and a connector (dam) with breaching parameters. First, does anyone know if the breaching plan itself is sufficient to initiate flooding in the model or do I have to input a separate unsteady flow data (flow hydrograph)?

    Also I’m having these errors. I don’t really know what they mean. Hope anyone can help 🙁

    Unsteady flow encountered an error.

    HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.11) thread 0:

    Error starting unsteady simulation – Stopping compute process

    Computations Summary

    Computation Task Time(hh:mm:ss)
    Completing Geometry(64) 2
    Preprocessing Geometry(64) <1
    Unsteady Flow Computations(64) <1
    Complete Process 2
    #000: ..\..\src\H5G.c line 463 in H5Gopen2(): unable to open group
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Can't open object
    #001: ..\..\src\H5Gint.c line 320 in H5G__open_name(): group not found
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Object not found
    #002: ..\..\src\H5Gloc.c line 430 in H5G_loc_find(): can't find object
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Object not found
    #003: ..\..\src\H5Gtraverse.c line 861 in H5G_traverse(): internal path traversal failed
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Object not found
    #004: ..\..\src\H5Gtraverse.c line 641 in H5G_traverse_real(): traversal operator failed
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Callback failed
    #005: ..\..\src\H5Gloc.c line 385 in H5G_loc_find_cb(): object 'Unsteady' doesn't exist
    major: Symbol table
    minor: Object not found
    HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.11) thread 0:
    #000: ..\..\src\H5L.c line 813 in H5Lexists(): not a location
    major: Invalid arguments to routine
    minor: Inappropriate type
    #001: ..\..\src\H5Gloc.c line 253 in H5G_loc(): invalid object ID
    major: Invalid arguments to routine
    minor: Bad value


    I had a similar error (see below). First time 2d model worked fine. Second model with cross sections burned into terrain and deleted 1D reach from geometry …did not work. Then I saved as a new plan, deleted steady flow data, and … unsteady 2d model “Finished Unsteady Flow Simulation” (it means everything worked fine without changing the data) !!!!

    Good luck,

    =====Here is the error in the original model ====================

    Performing Unsteady Flow Simulation HEC-RAS 5.0.5 June 2018

    HDF_ERROR trying to use HDF file
    Subroutine READRatingCurves
    HDF_ERROR trying to use HDF file

    Unsteady flow encountered an error.

    HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.11) thread 0:
    #000: ..\..\src\H5G.c line 463 in H5Gopen2(): unable to open group
    major: Symbol table

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