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  • #5582
    Jose A.


    I was recently contacted by this company to introduce me to their software GEOHECRAS. Has any of you have work with this software?? I just want some input before I give it a try. (http://www.civilgeo.com/geo-hec-ras/)



    Chris G.

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    Subject: Re: GeoHECRAS River Analysis Software-Reviewes
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    This is the first I’ve heard of it. If it is as good as they make it sound, i=
    t might be worth checking out.=20

    Sent from my iPhone

    > On Sep 9, 2014, at 9:58 AM, “Jose A. [via HEC-RAS Help]” wrote:
    > Hi,=20
    > I was recently contacted by this company to introduce me to their software=
    GEOHECRAS. Has any of you have work with this software?? I just want some i=
    nput before I give it a try. (http://www.civilgeo.com/geo-hec-ras/)=20
    > Thanks,=20
    > Jose=20
    > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion b=
    > http://hec-ras-help.1091112.n5.nabble.com/GeoHECRAS-River-Analysis-Softwar=
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    > NAML

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    This is the first I’ve heard of it. If it is as good as they make it sound, it might be worth checking out. 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Sep 9, 2014, at 9:58 AM, “Jose A. [via HEC-RAS Help]” <[email protected]> wrote:


    I was recently contacted by this company to introduce me to their software GEOHECRAS.  Has any of you have work with this software?? I just want some input before I give it a try.  (http://www.civilgeo.com/geo-hec-ras/)



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    Applied Hydraulics

    I picked Geo Hec Ras up as soon as I found it was available. Had been l looking hard for a RiverCAD replacement and was thrilled to see this new software. Have been using it on a dam removal project and am very pleased with how intuitive the work flow is and how quickly I can get to a working model, especially getting sections, reach lengths and over bank station definition off of 3d entities. This software is a critical element to my 1D modeling workflow.


    We were recently contacted by this company as well. Anyone have more information or thoughts on this new software?


    I’m also looking for opinions on this software. Does it do more than HEC-RAS already does or does it just make HEC-RAS easier to use?


    I was contacted as well recently. Just did a review of the new tool. Seems like its based on a one platform where you would have all the functions of ArcGIS (Spatial Analysts and 3D analyst)/RiverCAD, HecRAS, and RasMapper. I am used to HecGeoRAS – First I do the prepossessing in ArcGIS using Spatial Analyst & 3D analyst, then I work on HecRAS, and lastly I do the post processing of the floodplains using RasMapper (built-in in HecRAS.. so its free!). I have not used GeoHECRAS, however reviewing their site I have a pretty good idea whether its worth to purchase or not… The benefits are… if you don’t have ArcGIS with the Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst and maybe in a case where you would want to free a network license for your river analysis work, it makes sense to go for it. But if you already have ArcGIS with the extensions then you really don’t need to buy it. Same goes for RiverCAD. Yes, it may save you some time, but if you already have ArcGIS with the 2 extensions and are efficient in doing the pre-processing then you really dont gain much! Most of all HecRAS and RasMapper are free. ArcGIS, the extensions, and this new GeoHECRAS have a price tag! All depends on the cost!

    Hope this helps!

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