Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Geo-referencing interpolated cross sections

  • This topic has 4 replies, 1,648 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by laura.
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    I’m fairly new to HEC-RAS and using it for a university project.

    We were initially provided with a HEC-RAS model of a river with the cross sections inputted. However due to it having several meanders I wished to add more cross sections to increase the accuracy. Ive interpolated between stations and it was worked well.

    However I am wanting to export this into arc map and im having problems due to the additional cross sections not being georeferenced. I was wondering how I can add cross sections and they be geo referenced?

    Thanks in advance

    Lonnie A

    Laura, If you look under GIS tools in the geometry editor there is a xs cut line table. The interpolated XS should have xy points in it. Not sure why your interpolated XS doesn’t have them. What version of RAS are you using?

    Couple things to try is use the edit tools add/move/remove points and adjust a vertices or two. That should populate the table if it doesn’t have xy points. The other thing is how are you exporting to Arcmap? In version 4.0.1 under the main ras interface select gis tools to open mapper. Then under geometry right click XS and save layer to get a shape file. The process is similar in version 5.0.3 but called export feature.

    If you are using the file/export gis data from the main window to export to arc map using georas I believe there is a check box in there to include interpolated cross sections.


    to have better interpolation and georeferenced could be useful to interpolate with XS_Interpolator and than create the RAS geometry with RAS Geometry Maker.



    Thanks for you advice. Im using HEC-RAS 5.0.1, From your advice I’ve manageed to georeference my interpolated cross sections by just editing the vertices to populate the table. However when I export it as GIS data into arcmap Im getting errors saying

    ‘Failed to read RAS data. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’

    Im unsure what this means but im asusming its related to these interpolated sections.


    Download HEC-RAS 5.0.3 it is the latest with less bugs.

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