Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Flow transfer from 1D to 2D areas

  • This topic has 1 reply, 848 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Is the only way to connect a 1D cross section and a 2D floodplain in the overbank by using a lateral structure? Can the overbank section of a 1D section be directly connected to a 2D area?

    The Muncie example that comes with the release has many cross sections that end at the edge of the 2D area, but do not have a lateral structure between them. Does any one know if they are connected? or if there is any hydraulic connection or flow transfer at these locations?

    Chris G.


    Yes, you can connect 2D areas directly to cross sections. This is called an “inline” connection, as opposed to the “offline” connection that uses lateral structures. You connect it the same way as you would connect an inline storage area to cross sections. The 1D-2D HEC-RAS document discusses how this is done. Also, the Bald Eagle Creek 2D Dam Breach data set has some examples of this.

    You can get the 1D-2D document here:


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