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  • #6693

    Hello guys,
    I have imported a terrain model with river data included where at the end of the river there is a long culvert that transfers the flow to the downstream basin. I am going to run a simulation with precipitation to the concerned basin and i want to import the max flow that goes out of the river. Is there a way to do that inside the 2d area? i am aware i can insert a boundary condition line at the border of my 2d area but is there a way to show the specific flow from a specific cell-face?

    Lonnie A

    Not in Version 5.0.3. The next release will have this capability. Last I heard they were hoping to have v5.0.4 out around the end of 2017.


    Good news. Thank you Lonnie A.


    Do you think a 1d channel with lid connected to the 2d area should do the trick ?


    Have you tried a wormhole culvert?


    No. The culvert i want to model is about 1km. That’s why i am considering the 1d-2d solution. Do you think the wormhole culvert is achievable for this length?
    Right now i have the rivers as 2d area with breaklines. If i choose to model those as 1d cross sections and connect with the 2d area laterally will the flow run from the 2d area to the 1d rivers? I am considering importing precipitation at the 2d area.


    The wormhole culvert will transfer flow that far although the timing may not be 100 percent accurate.

    You could do a 1D channel and flow from the 2D overbanks will go into the channel where it is connected. You just wouldn’t connect the culvert to the 2D area.

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