Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Flooded area in unsteady 1D/2D Hec-RAS modeling

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    I would like to ask, how can I calculate the total max flood extend OR/AND the total max water volume from unsteady 1D/2D flow.

    I noted that from RAS Mapper I only see the value for depth per unique pixel…


    i would say the most accurate is to subtract surfaces within GIS


    HEC-RAS tellls you the volume left in the system in the “View Computation Log” in the plan editor under options. This is how mass balance is checked but also tells you a volumetric sum

    If you are intereseted in calculating a volume entering a specfic area you can create a dummy weir for which you set the elevation to the ground level, set a weir coefficient to 0.2-0.5 and once its done running just plot it. You can also draw a profile line and calculate the volume accumulation if you have the patience to wait for it to calculate which always equals or exceeds your model calculation time.

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