Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Exporting Floodplains from RAS Mapper

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    When I run an analysis and produce a floodplain including 2d flow area is there a way that I can export the Maximum Flood Profile (and therefore most onerous floodplain) to a file readable by CAD / Civil 3D?

    If I attempt to export the Depth (Max) layer to a shape file it doesn’t seem to export or certainly doesn’t show up in Windows Explorer when I go to look for the exported file in the location that it is exported to. Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

    Chris G.

    There is a known bug in version 5.0 beta that is preventing shapefiles from being created (even though it looks like it should be done). Keep an eye out for the official release of Version 5.0 where this should be fixed.

    Lonnie A

    I’ve found that you can create rasters of the mapping. This is how I did it:
    1)select the floodplain mapping check box in the unsteady flow analysis window
    2)After running model open RAS Mapper, tools, manage results map, select the plan results for the plan you want in the view results maps pulldown, select add new map then in that window pick elevation, maximum, the stored raster button and “create this map”, then back at the manage resulst map you may need to select the “elevation (max)” line and then hit “compute/update stored maps”. If the line has a icon by it it should of been created and is stored in your model location folder.

    I’ve tried the stored polygon (zero depth boundary) using both depth and elevation along with maximum hoping to get a polygon but didn’t have any luck.

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