Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Export MAX time step results and avoid instabilities

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    Sometimes I get errors when I activate the MAX results from small cells that contain a high velocity values (sometimes also happens with depth), as it shows next image .

    But then when I how the results step by step, doesnt show, as next image:

    Normally I solved this instabilities (reducing time step, reducing cell size, running diffusive instead of full momentum), but sometimes I cannot avoid them and I have to treat the results in arcmap adding patches in order to hide the high values so my question:

    – I work with MAX results always, so when I export results I get this high values (instabilities), IS THERE A WAY TO EXPORT THE MAX TIME STEP, WITHOUT CHOOSING MAX RESULTS? so avoid this high values, ….

    Thank you 🙂


    I would as you mentioned try and fix the model to remove the high velocities by either adjusting grid cells, timestep, or roughness values first.

    The results you are showing are at the specified mapping interval you set so it won’t pick up the max values unless they occur at the specified mapping interval.

    If you want to just get the max value from the mapping interval, I would use a python script to extract it from the hdf file. If you don’t know scripting, you could set up the program in Mapper to write the output you want (wse, vel, depth, etc..) for every every mapping interval as a raster and then in ArcMap you the mosaic tool to take the max value from all of them.


    Thank you for the reply!

    I don’t know scripting but I would try to do it like this.
    Because taking for every mapping interval will take a lot of time, exporting one by one…

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