Welcome to the RAS Solution › Forums › HEC-RAS Help › error XS in RasMapper
Hello, I vant to create a new geometry in Rasmapper : – i import a river shp – i import cross sections with z attribute
My problem is : all cross sections are false : there is a “shifting” of two z values, or there are new points created!
If i import good points in elevation point layer, to interpolate xs, a new problem : new points are created!
Has someone ever had this problem? Thanks in advance
for example, here is my profile 1:
0 39.3 1.722648 37.1 3.927871 36.93 6.111168 39.3
here is my profile 1 imported with rasmapper :
0 36.93 1.722648 39.3 3.927871 39.3 6.111168 37.1
here is my profile 1 interpolated with elevation point layer :
0 36.89 2.375541 38.34 2.933068 38.24 4.698927 41.96
x values are ok but z values are false
sorry if i interpolate my profil 1 with elevation point layer result is there :
0 36.89 1.722648 37.1 3.417569 36.78 3.927871 36.93 4.346167 36.82 4.76373 37 6.111168 38.12
3 points are created and only two points are ok with z, the others are false
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