Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Error writing geometry file (hdf version)

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  • #17872
    Fer Gil

    I have a geometry with about 5 million points (5×5 mesh), the geometry is cut right to the area where there is water plus a small buffer.

    I can mesh it in Hec Ras, but when I try to calculate it gives this error: “Error writing geometry file (hdf version)”.

    Does the program have any limits on the number of points? How can I solve the error? Thank you

    Luis Partida

    I am not sure why such a small grid size is needed and as a general rule of thumb, RAS models should try to stay under 1 million cells. There is not a limit documented but you might want to check where you are writing too and if you have enough disk space to handle it. Worst case scenario you handle the operation in ArcMap/Pro

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