Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Editing the Weir Data

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  • #6118

    I have generated a coupled 1D and 2D model in which i have connected the 1D river reach with 2D food plains using lateral structures (weirs) along high banks. When i am trying to run the model, it is giving following error:-
    “Weir data contains a wall with zero width, the elevation goes up and then down (or down then up) without moving over. Please remove the wall (take out the middle point) or add some width to the wall. At point(s) : 354”

    I am not sure how to correct this error. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.




    Did you set your weir width and weir crest shape in the Lateral Weir Embankment editor?


    Yupe. I have set the weir width and weir shape before setting up the weir data.

    Kyle Moynihan

    Have you checked to see if any 2D cell faces are at a higher elevation than the lateral weir elevations? Sometimes the average cell face elevation will be higher than the later weir elevations pulled from the terrain.


    How does the weir stationing look? Does it have values that go straight up without moving in the horizontal?

    Lonnie A

    I don’t know if this is the issue but try to avoid having two elevations at the same station. If I have a vertical wall for anything in RAS I’ll code it in with at least a hundredth of a foot difference in station.

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