Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Editing geometry in RAS MAPPER failed

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    I try editing my 1D geometry in RAS MAPPER (version 5.0.7) but when I try saving, I get the message “Error reading geometry data from file…”.
    I have one Geometry file that I can edit in MAPPER, but as soon as I save it to a new name and edit it in the Geometry Data windows of HEC-RAS, then I can’t edit it anymore in MAPPER.

    Alternatively if that won’t work, what’s the best way to edit an existing reach creating a new curvature?

    Thanks in advance,


    What I normally do is make a copy of the my original geometry (like to have backups) in the Geometry Data window with a save as. I then open Mapper and edit geometry and save edits.

    When you are doing this, are your files saved locally or on a network? Did you try a different machine?


    Yes, when I save it to a new Geometry I can save with Mapper, but as soon as I change something in the Geometry Data window, I lose the ability to save with Mapper.
    The files are saved locally.
    I haven’t tried a different machine.

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