Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Edited geometry file causes red lining in unsteady flow simulation

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  • #6372

    Version 4.1.0
    I copied the files of a successful simulation to a new folder and renamed them. I imported them all into the newly renamed project. Opened geometry and imported 2 reaches with storage areas and lateral structures from another file. Came in beautiful. I ran the model and it red lines with errors on sections getting way high but not on the reach i altered and it shouldn’t affect them that much. Does a flow file have to be edited to acknowledge the new storage and laterals?
    I also have a .dss file that looks to have 10, 25, 50, and 100 year entries. Can one dss file bu used for different storm flows?


    oh and it seems to me a flow file for a 25 year storm should work for variations of geometry. Should it?

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