Hello everyone,
I am having an issue with a sediment transport simulation in 2D. The water at the upstream end keeps “disappearing” by the end of the simulation and the model starts to go dry.
I am trying to model sediment movement behind a water control structure in a river. I am using a simple 10ft sand layer over a nonerodible layer for the bed and a sediment loading curve at the upstream boundary. The upstream flow is a simplified hydrograph and the downstream boundary condition is a stage/discharge curve for the headwater of the water control structure. I’m also running with a hydraulic warm up. The model results show bed change at less than 0.1ft for every cell in the simulation.
I am running the simulation with SWE-ELM equations. I’ve tried numerous computational increments, including a variable one based on the Currant number. The same issue happens in all of the sediment runs. I’ve ran the same plan without sediment and no water disappeared.
Any ideas what might be causing this issue? Thanks!