Hi !
I created a simple channel with a trapezoidal section : 150 m long ; 20 m wide ; a slope of 2 %.
The boundary conditions are :
– at the beginning of the channel : a flow hydrograph with a flow of 50 m3/s for 3 hours of simulation time
– at the end of the channel : normal depth with a friction slope of 0.02
My mesh is made of 1m-squares and I created 2 breaklines : one for each bank of my trapezoidal channel.
After the unsteady flow computation, an element surprises me : as regards the depth for a longitudinal profile in the middle of the channel, I notice a depth peak of 0.46 m at the beginning of the channel. Then, the depth returns to a steady value of 0.28 m.
I do not understand why I observe this peak which is not physically explicable.
Does anyone have ideas ?
Thank you in advance for your answers,