I’ve created a HEC project to simulate a dam breach, and it’s currently running with no errors. However…
I have an inflow hydrograph flowing into the most upstream XS that has a flow rate of 0.5 cfs. As far as I can tell I have no other inflows whatsoever. I also set the pond elevation at 994.75 (set this condition via the XS directly up from the dam). However, once the dam breaches one hour into the model, the water elevation at the breach never drops–the pond keeps refilling. There’s definitely something going on with the DS stations immediately after the dam as their XS profiles are flattened quite a bit (due to exaggerated EG… what does that stand for, anyway?).
I’ve uploaded the project directory (in a zip file) to the DropBox link below. There should be just one prj file (I think Brackett’sCreek2.prj). I have also included a screen shot of the main screen showing the Project, Plan, Geometry and Unsteady flow files to make sure the right ones are selected. Also, I set my time step at 6 seconds.
Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!