Hello HEC-RAS Modelers,
I am having trouble for about a week now with a model that should be done in a day or two.
The site has two structures located downstream from a dam. The dam is set to be breached:
– Structure 1: Box Culvert 5H x 9W, Length = 966 ft, Inlet El. 19, and Outlet El. 12.7.
– Structure 2: 2 Pipe Culverts Dia. 5.5 ft, Length = 141 ft each, Inlet El. 12.6, and Outlet El. 12.
The Box Culvert discharge to a manhole which the floor is elevation 12.
I made sure all the cell elevations at the face of the inlet and outlet of all both structure are lower than the structure invert elevations.
The model runs fine with Structure 1 alone or Structure 2 alone. When I have both Structure 1 and Structure 2 together, as shown in the screen capture, I go a generic error message below.
When check Results in RAS Mapper next to the Plan I run, I stated that structure is unknown.
it is not possible to model a culvert one downstream another using the new culvert capabilities offered by HEC-RAS 5.0.4?
Any guidance will be appreciated.