Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Cross Section Centerline Stationing

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  • #5368

    I’ve created a RAS model using HEC GeoRAS and I’ve been tasked with updating the cross section station elevation data such that the centerline is at station 10,000 for all cross sections. GeoRAS defaults to having the beginning of the cross section at 0. Is there a way (other than shifting each cross section by a calculated length) to change all stationing to conform to a centerline of 10,000?

    Chris G.

    Unfortunately there is no “global” tool to do this in RAS. If you have some programming skill, you could easily create a program to read in the geometry text file and change all stationing values for station/elevation points by 10,000.

    However, by the time you write that program, you could probably have manually adjusted each cross section one at a time using the Options…Adjust Stations menu item in the cross section editor.

    Probably the best thing to do is find an intern and set him/her loose on this.

    Good luck-
    Chris G.

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