Under RAS Mapper, I export layer in geometry, then Create Terrain Geotiff from XS’s (channel only). used raster cell size 5. When I view the interpolated cross sections; it displays the channel and flood plain both. why isn’t it providing information between channel banks only? I do not want the flood plain included. i am using 5.0.1.
If I’m reading your question correctly, the XS interpolated surface has nothing to do with the geotiff you created. The geotiff you created is a raster that you can use to merge with the terrain.
Chris has a older blog post on this that might help explain http://hecrasmodel.blogspot.com/2014/12/including-channel-bathymetry-into-your.html
appreciate the older blog. he explained a step the manual left out. now it looks better between the stream banks. Can a terrain with channel be put into a different subdirectory? Or can it be named differently?