Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Create a 2D Flow Area in HEC 5

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    simone minesso

    Hi everybody.
    I’m trying to run a simple geometry dam break case with HEC 5. The case refers to a laboratory experience that I have already run in HEC 1D environment.
    The lab set up is represented by a reservoir connected by a pneumatic gate to an horizontal flume where is located a bridge, that would be hit by the steep wave produced by the quasi instantaneous gate opening.
    I’d like to riproduce it using 2D flow areas.

    As first step I have created the Terrain model in Ras Mapper environment using a .txt file built in a DEM format, as follows:

    ncols [these are the number of columns]
    [these are the number of rows]
    [this is the x coordinate of the center or lower-left corner of the lower-left cell] yllcorner [this is the y coordinate of the center or lower-left corner of the lower-left cell]
    [this is the resolution of your data]
    nodata_value [use -99]
    5280 5283 5271 etc [these values are the data; the elevations]
    4986 4991 4994 etc [these values are the data; the elevations]

    I haven’t set a projection for project because being a laboratory experience I don’t need it.

    Once done it I have exported the terrain as an image (jpeg format) into the geometry editor, in order to draw properly the element shapes.
    I have followed the manual instruction to design the 2D flow areas, then I have set the computation mesh fields as desired.
    At this point by clicking “Generate point in 2D flow area”, comes an “error in generating points” and I cannot create any mesh. Moreover onto the “2D flow areas” editor, I cannot see any computation points showed under the icon, but the string “current mesh contains no computation points”, as reported in the image here below.

    From reading the manual I couldn’t discovered where I’m wrong, it seems to me I followed step by step the instructions, but of course something left.
    I hope to have explained it clearly.


    Simone M.


    Does the jpg have a world file associated with it? Do the xy coordinates in the geometric data editor match the coordinates in Mapper?

    Can you post your files for me to look at?

    simone minesso

    The domain image has associate a .jgw file and yes the geometric editor coordinates match the RasMap ones.
    Here you are the file with everything in, as well as an image of the laboratory set up.

    Thanks for your attenction


    I had no problem creating elements, but I am using a March version.

    simone minesso

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    Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 18:44:50 +0200
    Subject: Re: Create a 2D Flow Area in HEC 5
    From: Simone Minesso
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    So just by click on generating mesh, leaving all the settings I’ve made it
    works, right? Thus could be just a program bug.
    Could you please send me back the project with the meshes?
    Now I’m looking for the march version on the website because here on the
    blog I didn’t found anything newer than the october one.
    Il 24/Giu/2015 16:55, “cameron [via HEC-RAS Help]” < [email protected]> ha scritto:

    > I had no problem creating elements, but I am using a March version.
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    So just by click on generating mesh, leaving all the setting=
    s I've made it works, right? Thus could be just a program bug.
    Could you please send me back the project with the meshes?
    Now I'm looking for the march version on the website because here on th=
    e blog I didn't found anything newer than the october one.

    Il 24/Giu/2015 16:55, "cameron [via HEC-RAS=
    Help]" <[email protected]> ha scritto:

    er-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">

    I had no problem creating elements, but I am using a March version.


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    simone minesso

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    Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 11:01:31 +0200
    Subject: Re: Create a 2D Flow Area in HEC 5
    From: Simone Minesso
    To: “markwood [via HEC-RAS Help]”
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    Through the new version everything works properly.
    Another time the blog turned out very useful.

    Thak you guys and have a nice day!

    2015-06-24 21:26 GMT+02:00 markwood [via HEC-RAS Help] < [email protected]>:

    > http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/misc/files/ras/HEC-RAS_5.0_Beta_2015-03-22.=
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    Through the new version everything works properly.=C2=A0Another time the blog turned out very useful.=C2=A0


    Thak you guys and have a nice day!

    2015-06-24 21:26 GMT+02:00 markwood [via =
    HEC-RAS Help] <[email protected]=

    .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">



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    simone minesso

    I’ve tried to run the project, the same I had been concerning in the previous talk, and I’ve experienced bugs both with the geometry preprocessor and so with the unsteady flow simulation.
    I know that geometry preprocess could be done from Ras Mapper, by compute property tables, or as always has been from the unsteady flow analysis editor. I’ve tried both and the problem seems to be same, about the association between Terrain model and geometry, as shown here:

    Everything seems to have been done properly, actually I have set the right terrain association from Ras Mapper. I’m using the version markwood sent me, that’s the April one.
    Could you please run it as well and see what gonna happen if you experience the same or not
    Here you are the project .zip files



    The message you show is just a warning and the model will still run. I checked the model you provided and I had to set a few parameters as they were missing (starting date and time, breach time, and adjust weir). You also have the geometry in a folder and not in the same location as the prj file which HEC-RAS might have issues with.

    The model goes unstable and I am not sure there is much you can do as your cell size is 0.05m and the min time step is 0.1 seconds. Generally it is a good idea to be close to the Courant criteria especially when dealing with a breach. I would also recommend using the full momentum and not the diffusion wave since breaches have very dynamic flow.

    simone minesso

    In order to see if the the problem was just a version bug or whatever, today I’ve tried to perform the project with another laptop, by downloading it from the zip here and as you are telling me I have reported the same values missing issue, I guess that a few were lost during the uploading.
    Instead I would use your advice about the geometry file location.
    Concerning about the rest I would say that both the mesh dimension and the computational time step have been set to be as a first “test case”, because up to now I have never worked with 2D modelling.
    When I had ran the model in 1D I had got stability by using 1 sec time step and generally 10cm among cross sections.
    Anyway I will work on the project to find the best modelling criterias and I’ll use the full momentum equation because what I’m looking for is represent as better as I can the steep wave propagation, to match the program results with the laboratory investigation ones.


    If you do need to get the time step smaller than 0.1 seconds, you can turn on time slices in the 2D options window. Whatever value you specify will be used to divide the 0.1 seconds so your time step will be smaller.

    simone minesso

    I have tried to reperform the project with a new DTM, more detailed than the previous one. Now the grid has a 1mm resolution, the previous one had 1cm. By doing this I can deal better with the error introduced in the representation of the domain vertical borders, that are linearly interpolated between two follow cell center points.
    I have also remaked: meshes (with a spacing of 1cm) and 2D connectors (the dam and the bridge).
    Every file stands in the same folder, in order to avoid the rise of any problem like you told me.
    I have then tried to run the project. It stops at the geometry preprocessor step, reporting the follow errors: 1)connector invert elevations exceed the terrain; 2)the lateral structure width exceed the 2D flow area edge.
    Firstly it seemed strange to me, because nor the invert elevation nor the width of the structure seemed to exceed any domain edge.
    Thus I have tried to find similar cases reported on the blog. There’s one related to the first error (invert elevation). The solution seems freaky. Infact just by representing the problem in US unit system should work. I would directly check it it but I cannot because I cannot export the DTM (built with the US system) image and using it as a background image in the geometric editor in order to draw the new file. The problem is that I’m allowed in exporting the image but it comes without georeferentiation. The strange is that in order to have a georeferenced image I need an existing geometry file (georeferenced) already uploaded in the geometry editor, that is a nonsense if it had to be built right based on the background image. Fortunately I have available a georeferenced geometry file (in SI unit system) earlier built with the old 5.0 version (where instead it was unproblematic doing it) and I’m using it to georeference the background image and than use it to redraw the geometry for all the case (in SI) I need.

    Omitting this bug and carrying on the matter, I have tried to decompose the problem in order to see where the problems were.
    By erasing the bridge and adjusting the dam (I have drawn it exactly in the middle of the area between the two 2D flows ones, with an exact width as well) I have got a successful preprocessor run. So I have tried to run the Unsteady simulation but the follow error message appears:

    I couldn’t get its meaning. Do you have any experience with this?
    I would fix it before doing any try to introduce the bridge.
    I would like to attach the zip project but I have seen that by doing this many datas disappear as well as different program versions read it differently, so I cannot see the sense of doing it.

    I hope to have been clear enough


    First I might say that HEC-RAS 2D is probably not designed to handle mesh elements of 1mm or 1cm in size as this would be more of a CFD size.

    As for errors, when you create the mesh did you adjust the tolerance values in the mesh editor to be smaller than the default?

    The width error could be referring to the the weir stationing of the dam and not the actual line you drew.

    If you need to convert it to US units, under the “Option” pull down menu there is a convert units tool. You could use this to convert and then test in US units.

    simone minesso

    I was able to add the bridge so right now the geometry file is completed.
    The only lack I would to highlight is about the hydraulic structures representation, that not match exactly the flume edge. If I do it properly, as it’s explained in the old HEC manual (the 1D) i.e. by letting the hydraulic structure be deeper and wider than the terrain in order to ensure the structure to right follow the river edges, the program reads the structure out of the mesh edges and that unabling the simulation.
    So I’m try to work in this way.
    Now the geometry preprocessor works properly but not the same for the unsteady running, that shows error. I’ve tried both the SI system and US one (I convert it as you suggest).
    The error is different than the last I’ve reported here and seems reflect unstability of the model but I’m not sure of it.


    What is your time step set at now? my guess is you need to be at 0.1 or smaller.

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