Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Coupling 1d with 2d

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    I managed to couple a 1d model – a 2000m long and 2m wide stream – with a 2d flow area via lateral structure.
    I drew the 2d flow area and added a lateral structure, that part didnt take a lot of time, but adding a decent levee 2x2000m long was a lot of work.
    Is there a better way to connect 1d with 2d model?
    Or a shortcut to let the levee follow the terrain very precisely?

    The combined model produces the expected output, which is similar if not exactly the same, as a MIKE Hydro River I set up for the same area.

    Scott Miller

    It reads like you might have put elevations in manually. If so, there’s an easier way.

    In the Lateral Structure Editor click the Terrain Profile button. Copy the table. Click the Weir/Embankment button. Use the copied table to fill out the Embankment Station/Elevation table.

    More detail here: http://hec-ras-help.1091112.n5.nabble.com/1-2-D-Modeling-help-td5855.html#a5872

    Also, ArcGIS (and likely other GIS) can be used to create the alignments and areas for RAS geometry. Make a polygon or line. Convert its vertices to points. Add X-Y coordinates to the points. Export the table in order to copy the X-Y coordinates.

    For a centerline in RAS, paste the coordinates.

    For 2D/SA, create a simple shape, open its editor, paste the copied coordinates in place of the simple shape coordinates.


    Hi, I have already built 1-D Hec-Ras model which has city area in it. I want to do 2-D simulations particularly at the city area, more like coupled 1D-2D modelling. May I know some hints how I can proceed to do it? Can you please some steps which i can follow and work over it? Thanks

    Lonnie A

    If you are trying to find the “high ground” to locate the lateral structure along go into mapper, select properties of the surface and turn on the contours. You should then be able to see them in the geometry editor. I use the measure tool to draw the alignment of the lateral and then copy the XY coordinates to the clipboard. Create a new lateral and paste in the gis coordinates, sample from terrain profile, copy paste those into the weir and then filter. It shouldn’t be a lot of work.


    thanks for the hints. I have this error but I don’t know how to specifically locate the error location? can you please give me some tips on how to do that

    2D flow area:2D flow area
    -2 face errors detected at the perimeter of the mesh
    – Error generating the mesh. Please review mesh for errors.


    You should see 2 red dots use the edit tools to add or remove points until the mesh works.

    Do this in the geometry data editor also not RAS mapper

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