Hi, I have a quite complex hydraulic 2d hec-ras model with a lot of basins that interact. The hydrology has been modelled in Hec-hms, so I have hydrographs for every junction of streams The hydrographs in each junction are the result of rooting but there are also available, the hydrographs of each basin discharge.
I try to figure out a proper way to build the model in hecras and I would like some opinions in the following:
• I am thinking of splitting the model in submodels(shaded polygons in attached image) in order to reduce the computational needs, but I cant decide the proper way of splitting. I have figured out
that the sub-models should have a quite big overlap in order to achieve a continuity in flooding and not having interruptions at the edges of the grid. The final result will be a merge of the flood of the submodels. In the overlapping regions the answer of maximun depth of each cell will be kept.
• The hydrogrhaphs will be inserted as a boundary condition inside the streams as shown in the attached image. They will be used the hydrographs of each basin.
• For the next downstream model(red shaded model), the upstream hydrograph will be the rooted hydrograph of hec-hms model up to this point. As moving downstream, hydrographs of each basin will be inserted as internal boundary condition.
I would really appreciate any opinion and experience about constructing such models in hec-ras.
Thanks in advance