Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Channel Burn/Merge in 2D, RAS Mapper 5.0.7 Problems

  • This topic has 4 replies, 230 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #7615

    Is anyone having trouble burning channel sections into base terrain? I am attempting to take out culvert crossings in my 2D area by cutting cross sections from the base terrain and creating a new terrain (geotiff) from the sections to remove the “block” in the 2-D area. However, when I attempt to merge them it either creates the channel terrain only or the base terrain only. I have tried all different combinations of no projections / same projections as I’ve had trouble creating terrain due to some bugs with having the project projected (georefrenced) before creating the terrain.

    I have performed channel burns before in Mapper but cannot seem to do it anymore. Suggestions? I know I could take the culvert crossings out in a GIS but it used to be simple in Mapper.


    I havent had any issues, but the only thing you didnt mention is that the terrain you want imposed must be the highest in order when you create the terrain. For example Terrain 1 is the XS terrain, Terrain 2 is the normal terrain. You must put them in order like this



    Yes. I’ve done that. Still cannot get the channel burned in.


    At this point i would just do it in Version 5.0.6 then use that terrain in 5.0.7 to avoid stalling


    In fact, trying another version is a good idea. I had solved some other problems about rasmapper by this way.

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