I’m working in a model and using Geo HECRAS form Civil Geo. When I run the model I get certain results. When I save a copy with no changes (“save as” and only change the name), I get different results! This happens on two different computers, they are running the same version and analysis engines. Civil Geo doesn’t know why this is happening and I sent them my model to analyze.
Anyone had this problem or something similar?
Very frustrating and need help!
The issue was resolved by the Civil Geo HECRAS technical support team.
For some odd reason the project files or project support files weren’t updating. The solution was to delete all output files and keep the “GeoHECRAS Project File”(s), and rerun the project. In the end this produced consistent results!
I tested this several ways: copying the file, copying scenario, and exporting. Consistent results!