Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help can’t create cross-sections in GeoRAS

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    I am unable to create cross-sections using GeoRAS with ArcMap 10.0. I have added the feature layer (XSCutLines). But when I try to use the Editor to draw in cross-sections, the only item listed in the “Create Features” box is River, the flowline I already drew. Anyone know what is wrong?

    BTW, this may or may not be related to the problem, but the program tells me that the 3 layers I have created using RAS Geometry (River, Flowpaths, and XSCutLines) have no coordinate system assigned. I don’t know if this is normal or not. I am thinking that maybe it’s assigned at a later time in the process, but I don’t know.




    The coordinate system is usually applied to the feature dataset (and all features within) that is created when you generate the first georas layer or when you generate all of the layers.

    I would recommend checking to see that the active data frame you are working in has the appropriate coordinate system assigned before you actually begin working with georas.

    In regard to only the river being in the “Create Features” tab, check to see that there is a layer template setup for the other features you are trying to edit, sounds like that would be the XS and possibly the flow lines.

    Let me know if it works out.

    -John R.


    I am currently using the 10.1 beta so it may be slightly different than the 10.0 I can’t remember. But I don’t think you need to manually create the layers. By choosing the create river CL, XSEC, flowlines, etc the program should create the layer and prompt you to digitize the features, this should solve the projection issue. Also ensure that you are digitizing your XSEC from Left to Right as facing downstream.


    Thanks for the suggestions. I have found that if I create the GeoRAS layers before bringing in other data layers (like aerial imagery with a different projection than the TIN), it works for me. Once the RAS feature layers and database is created, I can add more layers without problems. Again, thanks for your suggestions! I will file them for future reference.


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