Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Can geometry hdf be deleted?

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  • #18380

    It is sometimes suggested to “delete all your hdf files” to try to fix errors. e.g. at https://www.surfacewater.biz/disappearance/
    But I find that if I delete a geometry hdf I get an error like this when trying to run a simulation:

    Writing Plan GIS Data…
    Completed Writing Plan GIS Data
    Writing Geometry…
    Geometry ‘Geometry’ association was set to the first valid terrain layer (Terrain)
    Perimeter 1: Mesh ‘Perimeter 1’ was not created successfully.
    Geometry Writer Failed
    Error Processing Geometry

    Do people really just mean to “delete your plan hdf”, not “all your hdfs”?

    Luis Partida

    When you delete the plan HDF you are essentially deleting your results from showing in RAS Mapper and of course not being able to open it in HDF View. When you delete your geometry HDF, you are just deleting the hydraulics property tables (the first blue bar when you run an unsteady state simulation is calculating these). So its safe to do and does solve random errors sometimes just know the model has to recalc the hydraulic property tables for your 2D cells


    OK, I think I got an error because I didn’t follow the correct procedure before trying to rerun the simulation:
    – check which terrain the geometry is associated with.
    – delete the hdf.
    – open RAS mapper and associate the geometry with the correct terrain again.
    – exit the geometry and click the lightning button to recompute out-of-date meshes.
    – save the geometry (and perhaps the RAS Mapper session).
    Doesn’t help with the real problem I’m trying to solve, unfortunately.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 6 days ago by alister.hood.
    Luis Partida

    I hear you, I too am having TONS of BS HDF issues telling me something is write protected when it worked fine 1 day prior. Ive tried everything and unfortunately I am in your boat as well


    > OK, I think I got an error because I didn’t follow the correct procedure before trying to rerun the simulation:
    > – check which terrain the geometry is associated with.
    > – delete the hdf.
    > – open RAS mapper and associate the geometry with the correct terrain again.
    > – exit the geometry and click the lightning button to recompute out-of-date meshes.
    > – save the geometry (and perhaps the RAS Mapper session).

    For future readers: I made a typo in the second to last step – it should say “edit” rather than “exit”

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