Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Bridges Turning into 2D connections

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  • #18007
    Bryce Cruey

    I am working on a 1D/2D model that is pretty large and complex (Version 6.3.1). It has multiple rivers, reaches, storage areas, and 2D areas. I have been tasked to modify the model for one proposed bridge crossing. To do this I needed to modify some cross sections, lateral weirs, and the bridge geometry in the 1D model in both existing and proposed conditions. I made modifications in RAS Mapper, one element at a time. After completing the edits, I ran the geometry processor only to discover that upwards of 7 or 8 bridges throughout the model, on different rivers and reaches had been converted to 2D connections. This was mildly anoying, but was able to re-populate the bridge data from the original model gemetry. However, upon making additional modifications, the bridges that I manually re-entered converted to 2D connections again when I complete the RAS MApper session. This seems like a bug.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this? If so, did you figure out a work around.

    Eric R

    Have you checked if this problem occurs equally in newer versions?

    Janet Engel

    I have been having this issue, even with the newest versions, but have not found a reason or solution.

    Luis Partida

    I will say this about this issue, while HEC intends to do away with the Geometry Data Editor, it is still by far the most stable environment to make model updates. I recommend not using RAS Mapper for mods like you explained.

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